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New T Range 100 Tonne Tractor

As well as moving our own machinery we also offer a nationwide plant haulage service.

Our plant haulage fleet ranges from 7.5 ton rigids up to a 100 ton articulated lorries and can transport all types of vehicles and plant machinery!

We have a wide variety of transport equipment, including low loaders, step frames, fully equipped escort vehicles with experienced drivers to ensure your machinery is moved safely, legally and economically.

Ridgway Rentals have recently taken delivery of a brand new Renault Trucks T Range 100 Tonne Tractor supplied by Renault Trucks UK and prepared to Ridgway Rentals spec by Perrys of Gobowen.

The road ahead just got a whole lot more exciting with the introduction of our brand new Renault. We’re very excited with this addition to our transport fleet

features a state of the art human detection camera monitoring system supplied by Spillard Safety Systems Ltd. This system can intelligently detect the pedestrian shape within 20 metres in real time. This gives drivers peace of mind, eradicating incidents and accidents for every journey.  The camera system adds an extra level of safety to ensure that pedestrians and cyclists are well protected.

The new unit is paired with a Faymonville MAX 5 axle hydraulic bed step-frame trailer supplied by Traffco. The trailer features a brand new tyre pressure monitoring system which is one of the first of its kind on a step-frame trailer in the UK.

New Truck Main Image
