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Tree Shears Hire

Our Tree Shears Hire includes various sizes to suit various applications.
We have different size tree shears to suit the different sized excavators – from 8 ton up to 20 ton.
The blades on the tree shear attachments can cut through thicknesses from 6 inches up to 18 inches thick.
Plus, when used in combination with long reach excavators, they are ideal for cutting trees alongside riverbanks and other water ways.

Tree ShearsTree Shears Hire at Ridgway Rentals

Our Tree Shears Hire includes various sizes to suit various applications.

They are the perfect excavator attachment for:

  • Safe Felling of Trees
  • Lifting & Stacking of Logs
  • Forestry & Woodland Maintenance
  • Tidying Bush Areas
  • Path Clearing

Ridgway provide a nationwide tree shears hire service, covering the whole UK.

All our tree shears are available to hire on a day, week or monthly rate and can be hired on their own, if you have your own excavator or together with our Excavator Hire.

How it Works

The Tree Shears attachment allows the excavator operator full control of the tree during operation.

The tree or branch is held securely in the jaws of the attachment whilst the blade cuts through in the desired place. The tree remains secure until being safely lowered to the ground for stacking or processing safely afterwards.

The design of these tree shear attachments means that they are perfectly suited for use in areas with restricted or difficult access including slopes and banks, in woods and forests and also next to railway lines and roads.

We have different size tree shears to suit the different sized excavators – from 8 ton up to 20 ton. The blades on the tree shear attachments can cut through thicknesses from 6 inches up to 18 inches thick.

Plus, when used in combination with long reach excavators, they are ideal for cutting trees alongside riverbanks and other water ways. They can also be used with zero swing excavators where room is tight.

Perfect partner to our Cone Splitter Hire – click for more info

tree shear hire no chainsawSafety First

Gone are the days of climbing up trees with a chainsaw! Operators are now kept at a safe distance within their cab.

These versatile attachments make light work of a previously dangerous and labour intensive task, plus not only can they trim down trees and branches, they are brilliant for clearing paths and general forestry maintenance.

We are available to discuss your requirements and give advice if needed.

Call us on 0800 515155 or fill in form below

Plant can be supplied on short-term hire or Long Term Contract Hire.

All our plant equipment is modern and of the latest specification, well maintained and fully inspected for safety and reliability

Call us FREE on 0800 515155 or fill in form below

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