Next DayNext Day Delivery Nationwide

Plant Haulage & Transport

Plant haulage service at RidgwayAs well as moving our own machinery we also offer a nationwide plant haulage service.

Our plant haulage fleet ranges from 7.5 ton rigids up to a 100 ton articulated lorries and can transport all types of vehicles and plant machinery!

We have a full variety of transport equipment, including low loaders, step frames, fully equipped escort vehicles with experienced escort drivers to ensure your machinery is moved safely, legally and economically.

Machines include plant such as mini diggers up to 50 ton excavators, rollers, dumpers, loading shovels, telehandlers etc. We can also transport agricultural machinery and other heavy vehicles including HGVs.


Plant Haulage In Safe Hands

All our drivers are fully trained in load and secure to ensure your machinery arrives safely on site and is in safe hands all the way!

Trucks are fitted with 360 degree camera systems and are FORS registered. We offer nationwide haulage and plant transport – all charged at local rates offering our most competitive prices!

We undertake work for many companies in many industries including construction, other plant hire companies, waste & recycling, utility companies, forestry, general haulage companies, farmers etc. If you are not sure on what transport you need to move your machinery, please get in touch as we can help you.

FORS Bronze Accreditation

Ridgway gains FORS Bronze November 2020

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme for fleet operators which aims to improve fleet activity. Operators must demonstrate exemplary levels of best practice in safety, efficiency, environmental protection and operations.

Why we chose to get FORS Bronze accreditation

There were a few reasons for us gaining this FORS Bronze accreditation. Firstly we wanted to show that we are a professional haulage operator which adheres to high standards, plus we wanted to show our commitment to safe working procedures by following best practice and finally this accreditation makes us fully compliant to deliver our plant hire for HS2 sites and within Central London and within large city zones.

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) accreditation improves:

  • Improve road safety
  • Maintain best practice from our drivers
  • Enhance fuel efficiency
  • Reduce fuel emissions

Ridgway remains dedicated to ensuring our fleet of vehicles are operated in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

To find out further details about FORS please visit their website


Plant Haulage Covering Nationwide & Local Service with Next Day Collections

We are based centrally in Shropshire with excellent links to all the major motorways and cover the whole of the UK.

Our modern fleet of HGV’s have the latest fuel-efficient engines and are fitted with the most up-to-date safety devices to ensure your equipment gets from A to B in the safest most efficient way possible.

We have our experienced team available to help with the logistics & planning for the transport of your plant & machinery and a range of fully equipped escort vehicles with experienced escort drivers. We can also offer a next day collection service where required & logistically possible.

Call us for a quote to see for yourself how much you could save!  01691 770171


Ridgway Nationwide Plant Haulage & Transport

plant transport with escort vehicleWide Load Escort Vehicle and Driver Hire

Our wide load escort vehicle and driver hire combines a fully equipped escort vehicle and experienced escort driver, Our escort vehicle service is available nationwide for hire for any of your wide load escorting requirements.

All our escort drivers are

  • Fully trained for the escorting of abnormal loads.
  • Work to the Highways Agency Code of Practice
  • Fully trained and experienced in the loading and unloading of abnormal and wide loads.



Ridgway Trucks at Work

The Ridgway haulage fleet starting out on a snowy Monday morning!

Bully, The Bullnose Truck – Always Part of Plant Haulage at Ridgway

Probably the most famous truck in plant haulage – Bully the bullnose truck will now always be a part of the team! Having considered selling Bully last year, we decided we just couldn’t part with her!



Bully has had many adventures transporting plant hire all over the UK for many years! If you have any pictures of Bully or any of our trucks, we’d love to see them!

