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Bye Bye Service Vehicle!

Goodbye Service Vehicle!

Ridgway Service Vehicle - End of line

End of the Line for Ridgway Service Vehicle!

Sometimes the working day doesn’t always go to plan!

This week, one of our service vans decided it’s had enough!

After only 140,000 miles of trekking all around the UK fixing, servicing and maintaining our Nationwide Plant Hire Fleet, this service vehicle said a final farewell

Ridgway Service Vehicle

Loaded up & off to go!

They don’t make them like they used too 😬

Ridgway Rentals Plant Hire has been supplying plant hire vehicles for over 50 years.

We have a fully equipped workshop for heavy duty repair and maintenance along with a fleet of fully equipped service vehicles to keep you going should you experience a break down on-site, this is getting much rarer as our hire fleet gets younger and the technology of a modern plant hire fleet means less and less breakdowns.

