Ridgway Rentals Helicopter Hire

Judges Treated to Complimentary Ridgway Rentals Helicopter Hire!

Ridgway Rentals Helicopter Hire is part of the Ridgway Group – Ridgway Aviation – which offers Self Fly Helicopter Hire

Ridgway Rentals Helicopter Hire

Ridgway’s Stuart Jones with Mark Wiltshire plus David and Lesley Pritchard – Heart of England in Bloom Judges


Stuart Jones, Ridgway Rentals’ MD, was only too happy to agree when asked again this year to treat the ‘Oswestry In Bloom’ judges to a helicopter flight

Judges David and Lesley Pritchard and Mark Wiltshire, vice-chairman of the Heart of England in Bloom took to the skies with Stuart in the Ridgway helicopter from Oswestry School for an aerial view of the town.

They were all thrilled to be given such a treat which was a total surprise to them!

Ridgway Rentals Helicopter Hire

Ridgway Rentals MD, Stuart Jones Landing Helicopter in Oswestry.


Lesley Pritchard, said: “A highlight for me was flying over the hillfort – I had no idea Oswestry had a hillfort. I was still saying wow when I got out of the helicopter. Oswestry is a gem, there is so much going on and it has a real community.”

Betty Gull, Oswestry in Bloom Committee Chairman thanked Stuart saying “On behalf of the Oswestry in Bloom Committee I would like to express our sincere thanks for agreeing to take the judges in the helicopter again over Oswestry. Oswestry looks amazing from the air and it certainly gives the ‘wow’ factor and we are extremely grateful to you.”

The judges will make their decision later this summer and the winners will be announced in September so we hope our help proves successful!

The Royal Horticultural Society are responsible for the organisation of the UK Finals of Britain in Bloom