Support for Bettws Banger Racing
Posted Friday December 15th 2017Ridgway supporting Bettws Banger Racing
Ridgway are always proud to support Bettws Banger Racing ( and this year was no exception.
This amazing event gets bigger & better and this year raised a whopping £25,000!!
It was so nice to receive a lovely letter not only thanking us for our help and support but also letting us know that the Auction at the presentation night in October raised an extra £2000!
This fantastic amount takes the total raised from the very beginning to over £110,000!
All the funds raised go towards helping many worthwhile causes including Wales Air Ambulance, Cancer Research, Hope House and other local causes.
Caravan Carnage
This year’s race day attracted over 100 racers competing in six different classes plus additional events including a Ladies’ Race and the unforgettable ‘Caravan Carnage’ where you had to park your vehicle inside or on top of the caravan being towed around the track!
It was great to see so many people attending and enjoying, not only the racing but all the stalls and attractions on a sunny bank holiday Sunday!
Roll on next year!