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small plant hire available for nationwide rental

Small plant hire available for nationwide rental

Ridgway Rentals self-drive plant hire fleet offers a wide range of equipment, available nationwide.

Our small plant hire fleet includes 8T excavator hire , 5T excavator hire, 3T mini digger hire & Mini digger hire





Small Plant from 1 Ton mini digger hire up to 8 Ton midi diggers…

Our small plant hire fleet is varied. Starting with the smallest 1T mini digger, for size reference, these will fit through a door way!

The three ton mini diggers come with a full cab and weigh just less than 3T, making it easy for towing behind a 4×4.

Five and eight ton mini diggers are zero tail swing so can work in tight spaces, they also have rubber tracks for road use.

The small plant hire fleet comes fully specked with hammer, shear and rotate circuits meaning a wide range of attachments can be use. With a wide range of attachments that includes, tree shears, cone splitters, breakers, shears and grabs our mini diggers can perform a wide range of tasks.


plant hire available for nationwide rental

plant hire available for nationwide rental

8T Mini Digger Hire

Our 8 Ton Mini Digger Hire includes the Komatsu PC80MR & JCB 85Z. 

These versatile machines offer outstanding performance and optimal power and digging speed in confined spaces.
All machines are modern and well maintained.

They come equipped with a wide range of buckets and hydraulic breakers which we are happy to advise on.



mini digger hire for available nationwide rental

5T Mini Digger Hire

Our 5 Ton Mini Digger Hire includes the Komatsu PC55MR & JCB 57C. 

These versatile machines offer outstanding performance and optimal power and digging speed in confined spaces.
All machines are modern and well maintained.

They come equipped with a wide range of buckets and hydraulic breakers which we are happy to advise on.



nationwide small plant hire 1.5T Mini Digger Hire

Our 1.5 Ton Mini Digger Hire includes the Komatsu PC14R, JCB 16C & JCB 8014. 

These versatile machines offer outstanding performance and optimal power and digging speed in confined spaces.
All machines are modern and well maintained.

They come equipped with a wide range of buckets and hydraulic breakers which we are happy to advise on.




Special offers on small plant hire…

Prices from £300 per week with free delivery, check out our contract rental page for more details.

Used Eight Ton Excavators for sale…




Call us FREE on 0800 515155 / 01691 770171
to secure your hire today!

visit our youtube chanel for used plant machinery

Visit our YouTube channel to see more Ridgway videos

