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eco friendly transport

Leading the way with safe and eco friendly haulage

From using live camera feeds to limiting our trucks to 50 miles hour. Ridgway Rentals have lead the way in our approach to truck safety and modern environmental standards. Our HGV telematics closely monitor idling time, how hard the vehicle is driven, even down to how often the brake pedal is used. This information is then calculated giving the driver a colour coded score from red to green. With this information we have educated our drivers, reducing idling time and increasing efficiency. Other measures include investing in the most modern vehicles and limiting top speeds to 50mph. All of these measures have saved fuel, reduced wear and tear on the vehicle, and its brakes & reduced the production of harmful CO2 and other pollutants.

It doesn’t stop with our trucks

tree story

Transport Manager Dan Smart & Human Resources Manager Luke Woodmass planting trees

Our offices too have been designed from the ground up to minimise the impact to the environment. With solar panels and air source heat pumps for heating, this facility in Shropshire remains a low carbon site since it was built in 2015.

Tree planting

In order to take further action on climate change, we have planted several trees on site. While we can’t grow forests in the yard, we can provide natural habitats on our boundary. This area is now a dense woodland filled with a variety of species of trees and bushes that cleans the air and provides a home for birds and other animals

The Wash

Rather than using fresh water, our decontamination team use filtered recycled water from our drainage system to clean dirty machines that arrive back in the yard. This reduces our consumption of fresh water.

Our ongoing commitment to the environment is both local and global. Climate change and local wildlife remain at the forefront of our planning and future decision making.

Ridgway is a Shropshire plant hire company, based near Oswestry in North Shropshire offering local & nationwide services.

Call us FREE on 01691 770171 to arrange your plant hire for 2025

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visit our youtube chanel for used plant machinery

Visit our YouTube channel to see videos of our used machine sales
